Facilitating A Next Renaissance
Friday, June 02, 2006
Amsterdam Bloom Conference: the two Zero-th (yes, it is a life try-out) Facilitating a next Renaissance conferences in Amsterdam on March 25 and 26th, 2006.
“Never doubt that a group of people can change the world. Indeed that is all that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
More blogs about facilitating.Previous Posts
- Next 'a next Renaissance'
- Export internal conflict to maintain coherence
- Reperception of capitalistic principles
- Paradox of scarcity and power
- Reconstituting capitalism
- Beautiful concert
- Some prelimenary conclusions
- First pictures from the conference
- Faciltated systems battle for more soul too
- Visual overview of working conference
Facilitators on the ABC
- mind@work
- Mobilé
- Ine de bock
- Jon Jenkins
- Addy de Zeeuw
- Helga Brüggemann
- Rene Tol
- Jan Gieszen
- Judy Tal
An agora for Cross-Cultural Competencies