Monday, January 30, 2006

Were do we fit in?

Howard Bloom (picture, biography: ) inspired one of us - Edgar Lantink - to take an option on Felix Merites. Then he triggered his network and within a few weeks we are were we are now: right in the middle of creating a new type of large scale interventions, aimed at jump-starting a new phase in the evolution: the birth of a new society. - Edgar Lantink, Jan Lelie, Hans Konstapel and Tom W. den Hoed

Welcome (to the next 3.5 billion years of life)

This blog has been created to communicate about the conference 'Creating a next Renaissance' we're putting together in Amsterdam, Felix Merites ('Deserving Happiness' see picture) on March 25-26th. The conference will be the first implementation of the lessons learned from over 3.5 billion years of evolution: for the first time we're consiously applying the five principles that drive the evolution of social learning networks.