The Design for the agora
Note on language/ nb : de bijeenkomst zal gedeeltelijk in het Engels (key notes en 2 workshops) en in het Nederlands (3 workshops) gehouden worden. In kleine groepen kan natuurlijk altijd Nederlands gesproken worden (of Pools, of Hongaars, of Duits of ....)Here is a picture (click on it for an enlargement) of the design of the Amsterdam Bloom Conference 2006 (ABC).
On Day One there will be a 'search conference' for the issues that matter to you, the participants. A 'diversity generating' key note by Howard Bloom is scheduled. Then, guided by the five principles specified in Global Brain, there will be input from panel members. These work shops will be facilitated (or moderated or supported) by skill ful and experienced faciltators. In small groups, the input by the panel (amongst others Marcel Roele, Octavio and Martin Lewis; perhaps Slawomir Magala) and key note will be 'consumed', 'transformed', 'used' or whatever word you prefer by the participants. This may include working out side the building. The conclusions will be discussed, first within the work shop and later in a plenary meeting. A 'conformity enforcing' key note (perhaps Jack Healey) will set the stage for the evaluation: what issues are now most important.
In the evening Day One there will be a diner, or, most probably, diners in the several rooms of Felix Merites. The diner and music / dance party will be open for non-conference participants too. For participants there will be an opportunity to invite a partner.
The Second Day will start with classical music and, probably, a film or video documentary. The second day is called 'Innovation Process'. After a recapitulation and a 'inner judging' key-note (we're expecting Douglas Rouscoff or else Martin Lewis) , participants will be free to choose one of the issues raised on Day One. This might be one from the same stream, but it might also be a different one. The goal is to decide on personal actions, actions you yourself can execute, that relate to your current work or study or company or acivities and to one (or perhaps two) of the issues. Again, in facilitated works shops, you will be given the opportunity to meet with panel members and participants to talk about the good, the bad and the ugly, about their and your ideas. Again, in a plenary meeting, the global trends and directions will be presented. A key note directed at 'resouce shifting' can stimulate even more. Some of your intended actions could be supporting the ideas of others. This is why we scheduled a "Gobal Brain" event: there will be an agora (= Greek for market and meeting) to exchange plans and intentions with resources. Then there will be a small closing ceremony and an evaluation of this pilot conference. These days will also be learning events for us.
We are planning to have reporting options about the ABC, that can sustain the developed issues and plans. If you have any suggestions or ideas, do not hesitate to contact us. For instance:
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